Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Little Bit About Dave Friant

My name is David Friant and here's a little bit about me. I'm 32 yrs old and live in the garden state. I've been blessed with a beautiful wife and two wonderful children, a 7 yr old son and a 3 yr old daughter.
I grew up in poverty on government assistance with my two brothers. We were raised by an alcoholic mother and had our father in our life, but he was drug addicted and often physically abusive. Even with role-models showing me what not to do I still seemed to take the hard road anyway. By the time I was 18 yrs old I'd managed to run a foul of the law. I'd fully repeated the sins of the mother and father and this is where my life truly begins.
At 18 yrs old some monumental things happened in my life, as if the scales had been removed from my eyes. One- Got in trouble with the law, possibly one of the best things that could have happened to me. This event made me do a little rethinking about the direction things were moving. Two- Met a beautiful woman. Turns out five years later she would do me the honor of becoming my wife. Three- I realized I had two younger brothers who were likely to follow in my foot steps. This I found appalling and from that moment on I tried to be an example for what we could do and become.
Today I've found moderate success and peace in my life. The really great thing is I know it's going to get a whole lot better. About 6 yrs ago I began my quest of personal development, I was really fat. That made me unhappy so I came to the conclusion there was one of two things I could do change it or accept it. I chose the former and enrolled in a personal training school. Which motivated me to lose 60 lbs before I ever walked into the classroom. I worked as a personal trainer for 5 yrs and found it to be rewarding on many levels, except one - financial. So back into construction I went and that's ok. It's my day job, the rest of my time I dedicate to Internet-marketing, affiliate-marketing, and network-marketing. I'll be using this blog to share with people what I've learned along the way.
David V. Friant Jr.

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