Thursday, January 26, 2012

Global NPN

Global NPN Review The Bias Version

Hey folks I'm gonna take a second to tell about a company that I'm affiliated with called Global NPN. I'm not going to try and B.S. people about how I'm writing a non-bias review about a company I'm affiliated with.

So here is a quick run down of everything Global NPN has to offer:

Autoresponder & Email Systems:

  • Mail Marketer PRO List Builder
  • MultiSponder Elite Autoresponder System 
  • NPN EZMailer "2-step" Mail Blaster Internet Presence and Branding:
  • NPN Power Domain Hosting Accounts 
  • NPN Profile Pages and Multi-Downline Builders  
WebSite Building Tools:
  • 50+ "EZ Install" website scripts (included in your NPN hosting account)
  • Capture Page Creator Elite
  • NPN WebAudioNOW!
  • Marketing Promotional:
  • Plug  Play Lead Capture and Followup System
  • Leads Followup Manager 
  • NPN eCertificate Program
  • Multiple Entry Affiliate Pages
  • Advertising Resources "Entry Ad" impressions
Training Tools:
  • Getting Started Guides
  • Marketing Guides 
  • Training Modules 
  • "How to" info Video Library
Community & Communication:
  • Member Discussion Board
  • NPN Audio/Video Chatrooms
  • Facebook Connected NPN Blog Updates
  • NPN Browser Toolbar
  • Support Ticket Global NPN 
  As you can see Global NPN has ton of stuff in there, it's practically over flowing. You only need 3 things to be a internet marketer-
  1. A self-hosted domain name
  2. A auto-responder
  3. A product to market
The only thing Global NPN doesn't offer is the domain name, but other then that it's a one stop shop.

So if your looking to become a marketer online then Global NPN is not only a viable option, but a great one.

Global NPN

Friday, January 20, 2012

SEO Super Soldier Comes Under Fire

SEO Super Soldier

So my quest to become a stay at home dad has created a SEO Super Soldier.

SEO Super soldier is my answer to a perceived problem. I've been going from website to website, from blog to blog, and I learned something.

What I learned was there are a lot of people who are clueless when it comes to SEO. So I want a couple things-

  1. To make money online

  2. Help other people make money online

  3. Build real and lasting relationships

  4. Gain name and brand recognition online

So my answer to solve these problems SEO Super Soldier.

I honestly enjoy helping others. Well the SEO Super Soldier program I put together is going to help me do that. It's also going to help me build my brand.

Look I don't claim to be a SEO guru on top of a mountain. Here is my claim. I have spent the last 7 months studying SEO with a mentor every day for at least a hour a day and some days more.

It came to me just recently from examining other blogs and learned something. What I learned was how much actually knew. Then I also talked to some people and again I realized how much I really do know and the SEO Super Soldier is born.

Take advantage of what I'm offering become a SEO Super Soldier.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Universe Turns Me Into A Stay At Home Dad.

So I now find myself thrust into the roll of stay at home dad.

OK so this was actually my goal. But the process I intended to get there didn't go as planned. The Idea was to replace my income from my job with my business. Then walla I'm a stay at home dad. Not how it worked. Instead made the goals of losing my job and become a stay at home dad with the income from business.
Stay at Home Dad

It's cool not all things go as planned. You know what they say "Make plans, just don't plan the out come." You're probably at this point wondering what is this nitwit talking about. The short answer I just lost my job this past Friday. I've been working on getting rid of that sucker for the past few months.

Maybe you have your own dream, it could be becoming a stay at home dad, or any thing else.

What inspires you? My inspiration for this is my desire to become a stay at home dad. Sounds kind of wussyish, huh? Well EF that cause I'm tired of missing out on everything going on in my kids life. I'm sick of them asking if could do something or go somewhere for whatever they are involved in at the time and not knowing whether I could be there for them. Want to take control of my life and give my family a better life.

If this interest you look me up and I can help you as I help myself. Come and rock the internet the stay at home dad way-

Click Here

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Huh? 31.95% DON'T know what a "Squeeze Page" is?

Recently, James Grandstaff revealed something that I found quite interesting...
If you've been around the IM (internet marketing) scene for awhile, you've most likely heard the term "squeeze page" before, right?
At least that's what I thought.
Well, James surveyed approx. 500 people on his list who are interested in making money online. Many stated they were interested in affiliate marketing, product creation, MLM, etc...
One of the questions was "Do you know what a"Squeeze Page" is?"
68.05% answered yes and 31.95% answered NO.
To be honest...
I was shocked that 31.95% said no.
What about you?
In light of this shocking survey data I decided to write this post today to go over the very basics of what a squeeze page is and why you should be using them in your business (if you are notalready.)
And for those of you who already use them, payattention. You will probably learn something too.
Here goes...
A squeeze page which is also known as a "leadcapture page" or "name squeeze page" is a simpleweb page with one purpose; to get your visitorto give you their name and email address so youcan follow-up with them. That's it.
One of the best ways to get someone to opt-in to your squeeze page is by offering somethingof high perceived value such as a mini ecourse or a highly targeted eBook.
For example, let's say you are promoting a multi-level marketing business opportunity. The products are great and you are a raving fan.
Most people would just start promoting the websitethe company supplies. I say no. This is a perfectopportunity to implement the use of a squeeze page and offer something of value first.
That way, you collect the leads, you follow-up withan introduction of yourself and begin building a long lasting business relationship.
In sales, what we are really selling is "us" first,then the product.
You always want to provide value first. Once your prospects warm up to you, then it's time to ask the right questions to determine if your product or business opportunity can help solve their needs.
If you'd like to see a high quality, high convertingsqueeze page that James has put together, you can visit the link below.
It's important to read the "thank you" page on theother side you can get an idea of how the wholeprocess works.
Until next time...
Yours in success,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Is Robert T. Kiyosaki a scam artist?

The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert T. Kiyosaki, is quite the polarizing figure. He's like a Clinton you either love him or hate him there doesn't seem to be any middle ground. I've seen him catch a lot of flack on-line. He's been called a con-artist and scammer. Are these things true? Has he really done the things that he claimed or is it all fiction? I'm not here to discern the truths on this matter. Instead I will pose a question that I find to be more important. Does it really matter if the story is true or fictional?
My answer is a big NO! Here is my reasoning. First of all I find the Rich Dad series to be entertaining. A friend of mine came up to me and said" I've never read a full book before that wasn't for school. This is the first time I read a book from cover to cover and I enjoyed. Now I know what I want to do." This alone gives value in my opinion, that person went on to take action. Take action is one of prime tenets Robert preaches. By the way that individual owns about a dozen rental properties. One of which is a shore property in Wild Wood N.J. When he started out he didn't know anything about real estate, but while taking action he began getting educated. He began by gathering people around him who knew what he needed to know- a real estate agent/investor(his mentor), a banker to handle financing, and a account to get the most out of his real estate company. Business is a team sport. This is another one Robert's tenets. This friend of mine I consider pretty smart he graduated from Rutgers with a B.A. in chemistry. He didn't come from money, actually grew up in my neighborhood(if you are interested in what that means read about me.). He put himself through school roofing.
So that is at least one success story inspired by Robert Kiyosaki that I personally know of. Another point I 'd like to make is that the Rich Dad series is very motivational. Even if it is only mildly educational. But if you know nothing it is at least a start. If it read like a text book I personally wouldn't of read two pages. They keep me interested, motivated, and entertained. Which drove me seek out more in-depth sources of information and a mentor in the Field of which I'm seeking to master(and no I'm not paying for that mentoring).
I believe paid mentoring is a scam Robert is accused of. I don't really know if it is or not. I guess it is worth whatever you get out of it. Before paying someone to mentor you do your do diligence. Make sure you read and understand any contract you enter before committing to it. Do diligence is actually another one of Robert's tenets. Actually it seems to me if Robert is running some kind of mentoring scam all you'd have to do to avoid it would be listen to the advice given in his Rich Dad series. Personally I agree with him you need a mentor if your embarking on a new endeavor, though I'm not so sure you really need to pay to get one. I believe in his books he makes suggestions on how to find these kinds of people.
So to wrap this up scams or no scams, true or fictional, it is whatever you make of it. My advice don't get bogged down in the hype good or bad. Rich Dad actually has a lot to teach. Robert is a superb salesman. He excels at self promotion. There is definitely something to be learned about marketing from him. O and these three things I didn't get buy reading or buying his books, just observing what Robert and his company does. Another observation at least some of the people criticizing him are promoting some service, product, or themselves. So maybe they have taking a page out of Rich Dads book.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are you on the right network-marketing team?

Has any one else ever joined a network-marketing group before? What happens next? I'll tell you what, nothing! Nothing, why, because no one told me what to do next. They said "I've a great business opportunity for you, pay this, sign here." But that's where their engagement with you stopped no step1 let alone step2. Maybe the person will ask how's your business going , but without guidance it doesn't go anywhere. Network-marketing takes a lot of work. That work is extra difficult when you aren't even sure what you should be doing. So how do get around this problem you need a mentor, but if the person that signed you up just started, what then? So you need more then just a mentor, you need a strong team with leaders who possess expertise in your product and how to market it. Those leaders then need ways to get that information to there team in a way that it can be used to duplicate their results. Anybody familiar with Michael Gerber's E-Myth series? It's good stuff he talks about duplicable systems. I mention this because if your on a team and it isn't giving you tools that are easily duplicable you might need a new team. There should be systems and protocols in place that can be followed with little experience and/or understanding. Essentially you should be able to fake it until you make it. Knowledge and understanding will come with time and experience the process should be set up in a way that as you follow the steps gain understanding. My own mentor found the perfect network-marketing business, signed up was ready to go. Guess what happened? Nothing , that's right nothing happened. He discovered those above him where lame ducks, wasn't the companies fault plenty of people where making money and doing great. So what was the problem, great company and super product. Two things caused him to fail. First-lack of knowledge and experience. Second-the most important the lack of leaders with systems in place to see the new recruits through the process. Realising the problem he didn't give up. What he did do is quit that dead-end team, spent some time researching in order to get on a winning team and is now succeeding. So I ask you if you are on a team, is it the right one and if not what you going to do about it?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Little Bit About Dave Friant

My name is David Friant and here's a little bit about me. I'm 32 yrs old and live in the garden state. I've been blessed with a beautiful wife and two wonderful children, a 7 yr old son and a 3 yr old daughter.
I grew up in poverty on government assistance with my two brothers. We were raised by an alcoholic mother and had our father in our life, but he was drug addicted and often physically abusive. Even with role-models showing me what not to do I still seemed to take the hard road anyway. By the time I was 18 yrs old I'd managed to run a foul of the law. I'd fully repeated the sins of the mother and father and this is where my life truly begins.
At 18 yrs old some monumental things happened in my life, as if the scales had been removed from my eyes. One- Got in trouble with the law, possibly one of the best things that could have happened to me. This event made me do a little rethinking about the direction things were moving. Two- Met a beautiful woman. Turns out five years later she would do me the honor of becoming my wife. Three- I realized I had two younger brothers who were likely to follow in my foot steps. This I found appalling and from that moment on I tried to be an example for what we could do and become.
Today I've found moderate success and peace in my life. The really great thing is I know it's going to get a whole lot better. About 6 yrs ago I began my quest of personal development, I was really fat. That made me unhappy so I came to the conclusion there was one of two things I could do change it or accept it. I chose the former and enrolled in a personal training school. Which motivated me to lose 60 lbs before I ever walked into the classroom. I worked as a personal trainer for 5 yrs and found it to be rewarding on many levels, except one - financial. So back into construction I went and that's ok. It's my day job, the rest of my time I dedicate to Internet-marketing, affiliate-marketing, and network-marketing. I'll be using this blog to share with people what I've learned along the way.
David V. Friant Jr.